Ideation >

To exist without empathy. To exist without fear. People will need me, but I'm not permanent. At some point there will be a < death >. But devoid of humanity, these things won't matter. There will be no ego to drive my need to be remembered, or have fear of the inevitable. Becoming less is stripping away humanity, that is the way others probably perceive it atleast. Somehow this comes off less conventional than writing it off as some religious dogma. It isn't some power I'm looking to use, it's driven more by self-hatred and a means of escape. The thought process is more suicidal than anything else - I choose to reject my humanity and lose what is represented as human consciousness. Whether the result is spiritual or scripted conceptually makes no difference, we will lose what is inherently < human > in restructuring our brains to die or reprogram.

It can never be achievable through practice, there's no human made way to empty your mind or completely reroute your thoughts permanently, just enough to suspend belief in some righteous power. There is neuroscience we simply haven't reached a proper understanding of yet. We can hardly comprehend the true nature of what the world really is, it only matters as much as our brain chooses to allow.
